Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Time for Wedding Gifts

Harp Charms Available at
I just discovered that my website store at was down. It wasn't working, and it showed no signs of being offline for many months. But it's now back with a new clean look and fully operational!

Go there and find lovely gifts for upcoming weddings, including pretty Celtic Charms designed by my artistic friend, Liam Hughes. You'll also find my recording of Celtic wedding music. This recording is very special, because the actual CD is tucked neatly behind a little book filled with Celtic lore, poems, recipes, and beautiful antique color images. this  "Haste to the Wedding" CD and Book (go to the link and scroll down to listen and open the pages of this book) are available now at my completely refurbished online store. Check out the charms, my CDs, and more.

What are you waiting for? Go Shopping!

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